

Holding crystals or placing them on your body is thought to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing by positively interacting with your body's energy field, or chakra. We programme it as per specific requirements of each client to maximize its benefits on their lives and also for protection against psychic and negative energies.


Aroma Oils

Essential & Aroma oils have great psychological benefits and help you sleep better. We suggest and energize these oils with Pranic energy to enhance the effects of each oil for you.


Diffusers and Lamps

The peace and calm evoked by aroma diffusers can help ease the transition and reduce feelings of stress and nervous irritation. It serves as a cleanser for psychic and dirty energy and has the power to energize the room or the space.


Bath Salts

Energized Salts acts as an aura cleanser and hence, we customize it for specific purposes like physical pains and aches, emotional needs like stress and anger and many more. The change in energy can be felt within a few hours and with regular use can alleviate a lot of issues.